Sequence Actions
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Sequence Actions, are used to combine multiple actions into a sequence of actions! (WoW!)
It works like adding songs to a playlist. One by one in the order you add them they are played
to completion before moving to the next.  
While you can use a Sqeuence Action to play music(Sound Actions) just like the playlist example, 
It also works for any of the other actions within Shaper.  

In the below example, I use a Posable Shape as the Object recieving the actions. But any Object can recieve a sequence.

▼ PosableShape <- The object recieving the sequence
	▼ Actions  <- The Actions Sub Grouping 
	► Action1  <- For this example, this action is a Move Action
	► Action2  <- This one is a SetVisBump Action
	► Action3  <- This one Is a Sound Action
	▼ SequenceAction1 <- This is the Sequence Action(AKA your Playlist)
		▼ Components  <- Another Sub Grouping, This is where the Actions-
		► Action1        are added by you, In the order you want them to play back!
		► Action3
		► Action2 
Now if we were to play back this sequence of events it would go something like this.
A hot female avatar walks across the room. as soon as she stops moving, A fart sound is played.
As soon as fart.mp3 finishes playing, she instantly vanishes. Because women don't fart. She cannot exist.

TIPS: An action does NOT need to be within the heirarchy of an object to be used by any Sequence within your world.
Using the example above, Lets say I want to animate another avatar to walk somewhere else and fart.
You don't need to make another Sound Action of a fart, You can re use the one you already made for as many
sequences as you want without effecting the original. This is super useful for things like SetVisBump and Wait Actions.


Set Actions 

Set actions allow you to change properties on the fly. Theres quite a few of them but its easy to tell which one 
you should be be using. After every properties name, there is an identifier that lets you know what type of set 
action is required. For example:
Name(String) <- This property can be changed with a Set String Action. 
You can do a lot with these, but one easy example. Lets say you want to have a sunrise in your world, You have 
already animated the sun rising and everything looks pretty good. But it would be way cooler if you could have
the sky slowly change colors from a night blue to sunny orange. Well you can!  Thanks to the Set Color Action.
